Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Definition Of Capitalism By Karl Marx - 1155 Words

Question 6 of 10 What is alienation according to Marx? Karl Marx believed that when you have no connection to the work that you do it alienates you. Alienation is when people become foreigners to the world in which they live. He believed that we should not hate the work that we do, in fact people should take immense pride in what they do. The key to life should be enjoyment and you should have meaning in your life which does not depend on what you posses in material goods. Alienation meant a loss of control for people, more specifically their loss of control over their own labor. Capitalism brought along divisions of labor in a factory, which meant workers needed to specialize in specific tasks that realized parts of their capabilities,†¦show more content†¦That societies culture, beliefs, norms, etc. are all based around economics. He believe that the shift to capitalism changed how the superstructure worked in drastic ways. He believed that the superstructure justified the base, even if it was not a neutral or natural relationship, and even if it was extremely unjust and designed only to benefit the ruling class and not the majority of the working class. Mark believes that there was a possibility that the working class would revolt once they realized the extent of the unfair system. Question 8 of 10 Kierkegaard said, â€Å"truth is subjective† what did he mean by this statement? Soren Kierkegaard is universally believed to have been the father of existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophical approach that emphasizes a person as a free and responsible agent that has the ability to determine their own development through acts of their own will. A major point in Kierkegaard’s philosophy is that truth is subjective, and not objective. He thought that there could be no objective truth because a persons truth revolves around their life and what sort of society and culture they live in. According to Kierkegaard truth is achieved by possessing a belief that you hold passionately and without doubt. So different people can have different truths if they believe different things passionately and without a doubt. He did not believe that there were no objective truths at all,Show MoreRelatedKarl Marx s View On The Labor Value Of Theory883 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx was a German â€Å"economist and political scientist† who viewed capitalism â€Å" from a more pessimistic and revolutionary viewpoint† (Gorman, 2003). Karl Marx believed â€Å"that the basic determining factor of human history [was] Economics† (, 2011). Marx argued that the people within the classes were bound to remain â€Å"because of the very nature of capitalism† (Prabhat, 2012). 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