Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Select a Science Fair Project Topic

Great science fair projects dont need to be expensive or difficult. Even so, science fair projects can be very stressful and frustrating for students, parents, and teachers! Here are some tips for coming up with science fair project ideas, deciding how to turn an idea into a clever project, performing the science fair project, writing a meaningful report about it, and presenting a great-looking, sturdy display. The key to getting the most out of your science fair project is to start working on it as soon as possible! If you wait until the last minute you will feel rushed, which leads to feelings of frustration and anxiety, which makes good science harder than it needs to be. These steps for developing a science project work, even if you procrastinate until the last possible minute, but your experience wont be as much fun! Science Fair Project Ideas Some people are brimming with great science project ideas. If you are one of those lucky students, feel free to skip to the next section. If, on the other hand, the brainstorming part of the project is your first hurdle, read on! Coming up with ideas isnt a matter of brilliance. Its a matter of practice! Dont try to come up with only one idea and make it work. Come up with lots of ideas. First: think about what interests you. If your science project is restricted to a subject, then think about your interests within those limits. This is a chemistry site, so Ill use chemistry as an example. Chemistry is a huge, broad category. Are you interested in foods? properties of materials? toxins? drugs? chemical reactions? salt? tasting colas? Go through everything you can think of that relates to your broad topic and write down anything that sounds interesting to you. Dont be timid. Give yourself a brainstorming time limit (like 15 minutes), enlist the help of friends, and dont stop thinking or writing until the time is up. If you cant think of anything that interests you about your subject (hey, some classes are required, but not everyones cup of tea, right?), then force yourself to think up and write down every topic under that subject until your time is up. Write down broad topics, write down specific topics. Write anything that comes to mind - have fun! See, there are LOTS of ideas! If you were desperate, you had to resort to ideas on websites or in your textbook, but you should have some ideas for projects. Now, you need to narrow them down and refine your idea into a workable project. Science is based on the scientific method, which means you need to come up with a testable hypothesis for a good project. Basically, you need to find a question about your topic that you can test to find an answer. Look over your idea list (dont be afraid to add to it at any time or cross off items that you dont like... its your list, after all) and write down questions that you can ask and can test. There are some questions you cant answer because you dont have the time or the materials or the permission to test. With respect to time, think of a question that can be tested over a fairly short time span. Avoid panic and dont try to answer questions that take most of the time you have for the entire project. An example of a question that can be answered quickly: Can cats be right or left pawed? Its a simple yes or no question. You can get preliminary data (assuming you have a cat and a toy or treats) in a matter of seconds, and then determine how you will construct a more formal experiment. (My data indicates yes, a cat can have a paw preference. My cat is left-pawed, just in case you are wondering.) This example illustrates a couple of points. First, yes/no, positive/negative, more/less/same, quantitative questions are easier to test/answer than value, judgement, or qualitative questions. Second, a simple test is better than a complicated test. If you can, plan to test one simple question. If you combine variables (Like determining whether paw use varies between males and females or according to age), you will make your project infinitely more difficult. Heres a first chemistry question: What concentration of salt (NaCl) needs to be in water before you can taste it? If you have a calculator, measuring utensils, water, salt, tongue, pen, and paper, youre set! Then you can proceed to the next section on experimental design. Still stumped? Take a break and go back to the brainstorming section later. If you are having a mental block, you need to relax in order to overcome it. Do something that relaxes you, whatever that may be. Play a game, take a bath, go shopping, exercise, meditate, do housework... as long as you get your mind off of the subject for a bit. Come back to it later. Enlist help from family and friends. Repeat as necessary and then continue to the next step.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Common Problems of Freshmen Students - 3749 Words

UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS COLON STREET, CEBU CITYS.Y. 2010-2011â€Å" COMMON PROBLEMS OF THE FRESHMEN STUDENTS†This study is a partial fulfillment of the students of English 2 (writing in discipline).Mw/3:30-5:00 pmSubmitted by: Group 1Submitted to:Ms. Joliza S. Alcantara 2. CHAPTER IPROBLEM STATEMENT AND RATIONALE FOR THE STUDYRationale of the studyWhile time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each person’s problems are unique to their current circumstances, we know that there are a few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. If you are on your way into college you might want to get a jump on†¦show more content†¦These elements also find themselves in the dynamics of sexual discovery between college students, and if not guided properly, their injection into this discourse, as well as this topic in its own right, can serve as another challenging element for first year students. Finally, managing finances and maintaining financial viability is a challenge for all students, particularly first year student. 4. Also, in college, students are free to manage their own schedules and their own time. Because of this, they arrange classes wrong (too early, too late, too far apart), which sets them up for disaster and offers too much temptation not attending classes at all. On the same token, they do not have the organizational skills needed to ensure that the proper amount of time is allotted to finish projects and reading assignments in a timely way, yet still ensuring high standards. Many freshmen do not have the study skills and discipline they need to immediately be successful. They often do not make use of resources available to them (tutoring, remediation, study skills classes, or office hours of professors). Consequently, many freshmen end up dropping out of school in first year of college. In addition, many freshmen’s enters college with unrealistic expectation. They are not certain what to expect or they believe that the college experience will be much like the high school expe rience. This is not the case and many times they find that they willShow MoreRelatedStudy Habits1368 Words   |  6 Pages. College students, especially freshmen, are a group particularly prone to stress (DZurilla Sheedy, 1991) due to the transitional nature of college life (Towbes Cohen, 1996). They must adjust to being away from home for the first time, maintain a high level of academic achievement, and adjust to a new social environment. College students, regardless of year in school, often deal with pressures related to finding a job or a potential life partner. These stressors do not cause anxiety or tensionRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of College Writing1004 Words   |  5 Pages Why do some college freshmen find it harder to write an essay in college than in high school?† College freshmen usually struggle with the transition from high school writing to college writing. They do not know that the writing in college has a lot of differences. They also do not know that college writing has different rules. These students get confused with these rules. There are many other reasons cause these st ruggles. There are different styles in writing, for example: In college writingRead MoreMaking Freshman Year Less Stressful Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagessurrounding environment, an individual must manage problems, challenges, and demands in his or her daily life (Dyson 2). The transition from high school to a major university is portrayed as the process of growing into adulthood from youth. On top of being unfamiliar with college life, many freshmen second guess their academic abilities and whether or not they can meet the expatiations of their over zealous parents. Rachael Dyson asserts, freshmen students are challenged by an individual’s personal securityRead MoreHelp To Reach Full Potential. One Of Crucet’S Arguments1676 Words   |  7 PagesHelp to Reach Full Potential One of Crucet’s arguments in her novel, Make Your Home Among Stranger, states that first generation college students should receive more help than other college students because it will increase their likelihood to pursue graduate from a university and they will have a better future than their family. She discusses the struggles of her main character faces while she attends to school far away from her hometown and her academic struggles. She also conflicts with her self-identityRead MoreFreshmen and Depression: Talk About it Essay1038 Words   |  5 Pagestime. Lately, however, these blues have manifested themselves and turned into to full blown depression. The number of freshmen dealing with depression is steadily rising with each set of incoming freshmen. According to the American College Health Association (ACHA), the percentage of college students diagnosed with depression has increased 56 percent in the last six years. Many freshmen are unable to cope with the challenge and pressure that college tends to put on them. According to Doctor MichaelRead MoreChapter 1 in Research About Computer Games Addiction Essay603 Words   |  3 PagesTHE STUDY HABITS OF THE MARIAN FRESHMEN STUDENTS DURING THE FIRST SEMESTER OF SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013 A Research Presented to Mr. Paul C. Morales Saint Mary’s University Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements in _________________________ Submitted By: Kimberly Anne Martinez Lloyd Rico Antonio Manuel Douglas Inaldo Leigrich Salvador Herman Anthony Aseron February 2013 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Rationale Read MoreThe s Perspective On Alcohol Abuse957 Words   |  4 Pagespersuasive ways were weak and ineffective. I find his persuasiveness to be imprecise with no correlation between binge drinking and loneliness. For instance, his claims are supported based on personal experiences and personal observations such as students having difficulty making a new group of friends, being desperate to belong and creating an academic background. Unlike Weschler, Bruffee does not use scientific studies, real examples and realistic solutions to adequately connect binge drinkers andRead MoreMy Freshman Year Review By Rebekah Nathan Essay1181 Words   |  5 Pagesrealized that the students were relating to her as if she was a student. She was behaving as a student, asking questions, going regularly to class and doing the required readings and in turn the other students began sharing insights, gossip and opinions she would never hear as a professor. Rebekah Nathan (pseudonym assumed by th e author, Cathy Small, for purposes of the book) recognized that â€Å"even after my fiftieth birthday, I could still be a student, and treated by other students as, more or lessRead MoreUnderage College Students And Binge Drinking Essay1680 Words   |  7 Pagescollege students and binge drinking is to first acknowledge the recurring problem of a plaguing universities nationwide regardless of its campus size and influence. A more in-depth Identifying Offenders and Risks In the problem-oriented policing philosophy, the widely utilized SARA Model (Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment) suggests that an ongoing, comprehensive, innovative, and tailored approach is first implemented to tackle the underlying causes of a significant crime problem in a communityRead MoreEducation and the World Citizen1073 Words   |  5 PagesEducation seems to be becoming more and more of a controversial subject not only among government, but also with school boards, teachers, parents, and even the students. Some of this controversy is attributed to the normal routine things such as starting times, funding for clubs and sports, and more recently the rise of violence in the schools, as well as outcries from the church for the return of religion in the schools. However, people of todays society are even more confused by the recent additions

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Definition Of Capitalism By Karl Marx - 1155 Words

Question 6 of 10 What is alienation according to Marx? Karl Marx believed that when you have no connection to the work that you do it alienates you. Alienation is when people become foreigners to the world in which they live. He believed that we should not hate the work that we do, in fact people should take immense pride in what they do. The key to life should be enjoyment and you should have meaning in your life which does not depend on what you posses in material goods. Alienation meant a loss of control for people, more specifically their loss of control over their own labor. Capitalism brought along divisions of labor in a factory, which meant workers needed to specialize in specific tasks that realized parts of their capabilities,†¦show more content†¦That societies culture, beliefs, norms, etc. are all based around economics. He believe that the shift to capitalism changed how the superstructure worked in drastic ways. He believed that the superstructure justified the base, even if it was not a neutral or natural relationship, and even if it was extremely unjust and designed only to benefit the ruling class and not the majority of the working class. Mark believes that there was a possibility that the working class would revolt once they realized the extent of the unfair system. Question 8 of 10 Kierkegaard said, â€Å"truth is subjective† what did he mean by this statement? Soren Kierkegaard is universally believed to have been the father of existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophical approach that emphasizes a person as a free and responsible agent that has the ability to determine their own development through acts of their own will. A major point in Kierkegaard’s philosophy is that truth is subjective, and not objective. He thought that there could be no objective truth because a persons truth revolves around their life and what sort of society and culture they live in. According to Kierkegaard truth is achieved by possessing a belief that you hold passionately and without doubt. So different people can have different truths if they believe different things passionately and without a doubt. He did not believe that there were no objective truths at all,Show MoreRelatedKarl Marx s View On The Labor Value Of Theory883 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx was a German â€Å"economist and political scientist† who viewed capitalism â€Å" from a more pessimistic and revolutionary viewpoint† (Gorman, 2003). Karl Marx believed â€Å"that the basic determining factor of human history [was] Economics† (, 2011). Marx argued that the people within the classes were bound to remain â€Å"because of the very nature of capitalism† (Prabhat, 2012). Instead, Marx believed â€Å"†¦that the value of a good or service is dependent upon the labor used†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to produce itRead More Karl Marx and His Radical Views Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesKarl Marx and His Radical Views Karl Marx[i] Karl Marx is among the most important and influential of all modern philosophers who expressed his ideas on humans in nature. According to the University of Dayton, â€Å"the human person is part of a larger history of life on this planet. Through technology humans have the power to have an immense effect on that life.†[ii] The people of his time found that the impact of the Industrial Revolution would further man’s success within thisRead MoreDivision of Labor1397 Words   |  6 Pageslabor† has many different definitions that can be used in different contexts. The Encyclopedia of Sociology helps explore the many different ways division of labor can be defined, and recognizes that all major sociologists considered this topic to be fundamental in understanding modern society, and how it has came to be. (Borgatta Montgomery and Rhonda 2000). Some of these classical sociological thinkers expressed their own ideas of division of labor, such as Adam Sm ith, Karl Marx, and Emile Durkheim.Read MoreEssay about : Adam Smith and Karl Mark: Contrasting Views of Capitalism902 Words   |  4 PagesThe theory of capitalism describes the essential features of capitalism and how it functions. Adam Smith focused his theories on the role of enlightened self-interest led by an invisible hand or incorrectly the invisible guiding hand, and the role of specialisation in promoting the efficiency of capital accumulation. Some proponents of capitalism emphasize the role of free markets, which, they claim, promote freedom and democracy. For many, capitalism hinges on the extension into a global dimensionRead MoreThe Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts Of 18441592 Words   |  7 PagesThe Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 was not published in Karl Marx’s lifetime. It is a series of fragmentary notes. Part of these notes is a piece called â€Å"Estranged Labor†. In this piece Marx rarely disputes t he alienation of the bourgeoisie and focuses on the alienation of the proletariat relating to the hard work in factories in a capitalist society. I believe Marx is correct on his point of workers during his time and even so, it’s still relatable to today;Read MoreWhy Marx s Social Theory Place So Much Emphasis On Class Conflict And The Economic Aspects Of Society? Essay1524 Words   |  7 Pagesdoes Marx s social theory place so much emphasis on class conflict and the economic aspects of society? Karl Marx is one of the most influential and revolutionary philosopher, economist and sociologist of the 19th century. His thoughts not only shaped our understandings of the capitalistic world but also created a new system of social organization, communism. His ideology also defined the key political figures of the cold war period such as Stalin, Mao and Castro. Without Marx, theRead MoreKarl Marx : The Capitalist Mode Of Production Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is known as one of the worlds greatest philosophers. He’s also a very well touted sociologist. Marks wanted to understand the functioning of the capitalist mode of production. Marks used eight terms to help understand his theory which are, Base-Superstructure, Surplus Value, Class, Contradiction, Alienation, Reification, Mystification, and Ideology. In this essay I will explain what is meant by each term, secondly I will answer the question of: how is the terms related to other dimensionsRead MoreThe Views of Marx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim on Religion 1475 Words   |  6 PagesMarx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim Ordinarily, religion is one of the rationales of social orientations, that in one way or another influences the society’s social stability. This is because religion is the impelling force for regulations in the society as well as a destabilizing drive for transformation. Marx Weber together with Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim were very influential personalities in the course of the 19th century, and even now. In one way or another, these persons attempted toRead MoreMarxs Views and Exploitation686 Words   |  3 PagesMarx and Exploitation In Marxs view the capitalist society is comprised of two distinct classes, the bourgeoisie (owners of production) and the proletariat ( labor) (Wolff). The focus of the bourgeoisie (owners) is to produce products (commodities) at a product with profit being the amount of money being made on a commodity after deducting all input expenses (including labor expenses) (Wolff). This net amount or profit is referred to as surplus value by Marx (Wolff). The goal of the bourgeoisieRead MoreSocialism And The Current System Of Capitalism1500 Words   |  6 Pagesmany people that would like to have a Socialistic Government, these are the people that do not fully understand what it means. In this paper I will show you why socialism will be the death to America and why we need to keep our current system of capitalism. There is a quote by Alexis De Tocqueville to help prove my point, â€Å"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while d emocracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Individuals With Disabilities Act - 846 Words

â€Å"The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is a federal law that requires schools to serve the educational needs of eligible students with disabilities† (Lee, 2014). IDEA was first put into place to protect the rights of children with disabilities and serves students from when they are infants through high school graduation or when they turn the age of 21. Because of IDEA, all children, including those with disabilities, are entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). IDEA also requires all students to get their education in the least restrictive environment. This means that all students, even those with disabilities, must be taught in general education classrooms as long as the special education department determines that is the best placement for them given their disability. This ensures the best possible education for all students. Not all students with learning disabilities are covered under IDEA. There are 13 types of disabilities that can make a student eligible for IDEA. They are: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impaired, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment (OHI, which includes ADHD), specific learning disability, speech and language impairment, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment, including blindness (Lee, 2014). What makes a student eligible for IDEA is that they have one of the 13 disabilities listed above and, as a result of thatShow MoreRelatedThe Individual With Disabilities Act974 Words   |  4 Pages The Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA, 2001) is the federal act enacted to ensure all students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Once a student has received the proper assessments and is found eligible for services an IEP is written to address student weaknesses. Mandates in IDEA (2001) oversee how states and other public agencies provide early intervention and related services to students in need. As part of IDEA, students with disabilities are requiredRead MoreIndividuals with Disabilities Act2122 Words   |  9 PagesA. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA), is a federal special education law and was signed into law in June 1997. The IDEA pledges that each child with a disability as well as students who need special education services has the right to a free proper public education, with the least restrictive environment. Below are the six components that are included in the IDEA. They include; 1 Free Appropriate Public Education(FAPE): In this component, the IDEA pledgesRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Act949 Words   |  4 PagesThe Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) 2004 mandates that a child with educational disabilities be educated in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet their specific educational needs. IDEA 2004 protects and decides the child‘s placement that will be determined by a professional Individual Educationla Plan (IEP) team. IEP’s provide a support system within the least restrictive environment to maximize success for exceptional learners. There are a plethora of techniquoes which supportRead MoreThe Individual With Disabilities Act795 Words   |  4 PagesThe Individuals with disabilities act (IDEA) was reauthorized in 2004. Reauthorization of IDEA focused on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) document. Initially, the individualization of programing was to arrange suitable services of each child wi th a disability. Parent and educators praise this feature of IDEA legislation. Even with the support educators and parents for IEPs, they still had some criticism of the process. The quantity of paperwork required to complete a compliant IEPRead MoreIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act1188 Words   |  5 PagesIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was initially passed in 1975. Prior to the passage of the IDEA, many people with disabilities were denied access to public education and many were relegated to institutions. The IDEA guarantees individuals with disabilities a free and appropriate education (FAPE) in a least restrictive environment (LRE). The IDEA is a great piece of legislation that has evolved as it has gone through reauthorizationRead MoreIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act930 Words   |  4 PagesIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 went into effect July 01, 2005. IDEA Part C covers children through the age of two, Part B covers children from the age of three to twenty-one. Children with disabilities are guaranteed special education services, and a fair and impartial education regardless of what or severity of their disability, from the time they are born to the time they graduate high school. The families of the children with disabilities cannot be asked to pay for specialRead MoreIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act787 Words   |  4 PagesSebrena Pierce CD 115 Jones 4/1/16 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act The law or act that I chose to do my research paper on was the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. As a student with a disability this act helped out tremendously throughout my educational journey. There are 6.5 million individuals who receive some type of special education services. The IDEA act created a positive stigmatism on individuals with disabilities. IDEA should be able to continue to create a positiveRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Essay1666 Words   |  7 PagesThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which originally began as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (EHA), was created to ensure a free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities. This policy was implemented in an effort to provide equal access to education for all. Prior to 1975, the needs of children with disabilities were highly overlooked. According to the Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitati ve Services (2010)Read MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act1711 Words   |  7 Pages The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Meaning of â€Å"Free Appropriate Public Education† for Students with Disabilities is detailed below: Congress passed the IDEA in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities had the opportunity to receive an appropriate education. To qualify for federal funding under the Act, a state must demonstrate that it has a policy in effect that â€Å"assures all handicapped children the right to a free appropriate education.†6 IDEA requires school districtsRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act786 Words   |  4 PagesThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is an act introduced by Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) on October 31, 1989. IDEA was signed into law almost a year later by President George H.W. Bush. The Purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is to give students with disabilities the rights and educational opportunities as children without disabilities. IDEA is separated into four parts: A. General Provisions B. Assistance for education of all children with disabilities C. Infants

Career Service Free Essays

Allyssa Snyder Career services 9 am class 1-9-13 Employability skills in an office My paper is going to be focused on the topic how will you use employability skills and in your career. Employability skills are very important in my career because you are around people all the time. If you didn’t have communication in a dental office you wouldn’t get anything done if you didn’t have teamwork in an office you would have to pay more people to do it individually if you don’t solve problems the there will always be problems in the office. We will write a custom essay sample on Career Service or any similar topic only for you Order Now Initiative in an office is important so that people can get tasks done faster and shows responsibility and politics. Planning and organization is also needed in an office so that you can schedule appointments and organize where the supplies and office equipment goes in the office. Self-management is how you keep yourself on time, responsible, and in self-control essay writer premium 3d. Learning in an office is important because you learn new things and new techniques and you are never too old to learn new things. Technology is very important and office because you have you are growing every year and you need to keep up with the new technology and office. Communication in an office is important, between the boss and their employees, between the employees and the patient’s. The communication between the boss and their employees is important so that they know what to do in the office and how you want things were on. The communication between the employee and the patient is important so they know what’s wrong what they need. It is also important during scheduling. When you are working in an office you should also be a people person, you don’t want to have a negative attitude around patients. If you have a bad attitude when you are around patients they won’t want back to your office. That is why I think communication is important in an office. Teamwork in an office is common between the dental assistant and the dentist. If there wasn’t teamwork in the office there would be no dental assistants and the dentist would be working alone. It would take longer for the patient to be seen and also the octor would be tired by the end of the day. The dental assistant and dentist work together to examine the patient, do procedures on the patient. The dental assistant handles the paper work and scheduling for the doctor. Problem solving is an important skill to have, when you’re in an office and something happens you have to know how to handle is calmly, quietly and quickly. You don’t want the office to find out what happe ned and they worry what’s going on. When there is a problem with the insurance company that is when communication skills come in. ou have to know how to talk to them to resolve the problem. If there is a problem with the doctor then you have to remain calm when you talk to him and you have to know how to ask questions and listen to what they say. That’s why problem solving is important in a dental office. Organization and planning is useful in an office. When you are organized you know where things are in the office. You wouldn’t have a problem knowing where charts are, supplies and equipment is. Planning is useful in a office so that you know what the schedule is for the day and what the doctor is doing. Without those two skills the office would be very chaotic. You would not know where anything was or when appointments are. That’s why organization and planning is useful in an office. Self-management is when you are responsible for yourself and you go to work on time, do what your suppose to and take on new commitment. If you don’t make it to work on time or do not show up then the office would be short handed and you would of left then in a tight spot with less employees to see the patients for the day. If you don’t do what your suppose to then that means someone else has to do it, and that is not fair. That’s what you need to have good self- management skills or you would will not make it far in life. There are new techniques and technology that you have to learn. The technology is important so that you can know how to schedule appointment, know how to do the charting and most important emails and phone calls so that you can keep in touch with the employees and the patients. All these skills are important so that you can have a successful career in anything you do. All my examples are in the dental field because that’s the field I am going into. The three most important to my success is communication, so you can ask questions. Team work, not all the stress is not me if we work as a team. The last skill that is important to me is learning, so I know what the office is doing, what technology and also what techniques the doctor uses. How to cite Career Service, Papers

Aqua culture Essay Example For Students

Aqua culture Essay Aquaculture is a great benefit to the population. Protein filled fish arent consumed by humans half as much as beef and chicken(fish 7kg, beef 31kg and 29kg of chicken). With a shortage of fish due to dams, pollution, and habitat lose fish are a high expense so many people are optioning for the less expensive beef and chicken. Fish is an excellent source of nutrition and a healthier source of protein than beef and chicken. Being lower in cholesterol, and having fewer calories than beef it is definitely better but more expensive. Cold-water fish suck as salmon and the makerel, contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which may prevent heart disease. There are many kinds of fish that can be mass produced such as salmon, sturgeon, yellowtail, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, oysters, and clams. With numbers this high in fish that can be grazed it will soon give some relief on the meat industry. Aguaculture does ha a negative effect on the environment though, and its not all fish that can be mass produced because of the environment they have to live in. With disease at a high rate and being very common in these aqaucultures that is why most fish cant survive in these tight areas. With all the diseases and high cost to keep these places up and running it makes aquaculture an expensive investment and sometimes not worth it to the investor. Along with disease and high numbers of fish comes fish waste. Fish waste is high in these small contained areas and most of these areas are located on the coastal lines of our beaches. In turn polluting our swimming water and other types of fish that arent being farmed. Aquaculture has many good parts to it and many bad parts just like all other types of farming. I feel though that it is a good thing to the environment and population to make fish more easily accessible, and to give the meat farms some relief. Graising animals ruin many acres of land each year and if we were to eat more fish and less meat less open land rain forests would be destroyed from pasteurization. But with fish farming that would bring about more hormone raised food.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Competitive Strategy Strategy Formulation

Question: Describe about the Competitive Strategy for Strategy Formulation. Answer: Strategy: Key ideas: According to Aljneibi et al., (2015) in the present world business is considered to be modern wars and the business strategies are considered to be the war weapons. Therefore, the executives of the companies require constructing a set of strategies which are complex and lead to Victory. There are many different concepts and definitions given on the strategy, however; most of the companies could not distinguish between the strategy and the different objectives and tactics of the company (Rothaermel, 2015). A good strategy or for the formulation of a good strategy, a few points are needed to be included: a) Place: This one of the important question that requires being answered before the formation of the strategies of the company. Before planning the company strategies, the company first needs to decide and analyze the place where it requires selling its products and the competitors with whom it has to compete. b) Product: The next question is what ways can the company about the type of the product which the company deals with. The kind of product dealt with the company requires the appropriate market for its selling. c) Resources: For the development of the strategies the company also requires to focus on its resource availability also. For the implementation of the strategies that have been formed by the company, there is a requirement of the resource. d) Value sustention: The next factor is that in what ways the company could provide its customers with good and unique products so that it could keep up with the interest of the companies and maintain the sales flow of its products (com, 2016). Organization that would benefit from the application of strategy in their management: There are many of the companies that started well but do not have an effective management and marketing strategy for their business. As such is a company named Borders, a global book retailer that was founded in the year 1971. This was a company that at the starting had a very good employment services, and everyone there worked with utmost interest and sincerity, and the customer response was also excellent responsive. The company established its success for almost 20 years and then got acquainted with a department store chain named Kmart. Kmart was store chain that dealt with the clothes, jewelry, and toys. The two store chains were merged with a forecast of great success together. However, this did not turn out to be a success. The Borders earlier management team started leaving the company, and the customer response also got Detroit. The customers of the Borders were much interested in the book that it provided its customers with instead of the new chain of the clothes, toys and j ewelry that it collaborated with (, 2016) In this case, the problem with the Borders Company was the strategy that it could not understand the product requirement of its customers. The problem with the Kmart Company was that it could not recognize the appropriate market place for the sales of its goods and instead collaborated with the Borders Company that does not have the correct market for the Kmart product. If these companies had applied their market strategies in a better way, these companies would not have poor management and organization (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Business model innovation: Key ideas: Innovation is the most important and the key factor for any company to reduce or avoid its defeat due to dependency and also to survive and be competitive in todays world of competition. Innovation does not entirely refer to the innovating of the new technology and new development. It refers to the reconstructing and reinventing the already existing business model of a company. It could be described as the ability to learn and absorbing the techniques and the other important factors from the other companies and implementing them in the own companies so that the existing business model of the company could be improved (YouTube., 2016). This could be done by process of initiation, ideation, integration and implementation. Initiation means to analyze the own business model of the company for better assistance. Ideation is the confronting of the existing business model of the company with the 55 business models and developing and improvising the existing model. Integration is the checkin g and assuring of the consistency of the improved business model. The last step, implementation is the actually implementing the improved business model in the day to day business of the company. There are different techniques of the business model innovation used by many of the well know companies. Such, the Gillette is proving razors to the world at a very low price. However, the price of the blades of the company is obscenely higher. This is the business model innovation as the razor would definitely require blades and therefore, people would have to buy the blades so that they could use the razor. Organization that would benefit from the application of business model innovation in their management: The Blackberry, one of the most leading brands of mobile phones and business phones at a time, could be an example of a company that got Detroit because of not adopting new business model and to adapt the changing of the world. The company got its sales graph increased very fast and according to the graph also decreased. The Blackberry failed to adapt itself to the changing time and the changing taste of their customers (Martins, Rindova, Greenbaum, 2015). The customers with the rise of the Apple iphones and other android based smart phones, the passport smart phones of the Blackberry Company got demised somewhere in the middle. Slowly the taste of the consumers changed, however, the business model of the Blackberry yet remained the same. This dropped the total sales position of the company and in the present, the total market share of Blackberry is only 3%. However, now the Blackberry has realized their mistake and is now working on the improvisation of the business model. It has b een expected that Blackberry would regain itself and recover in a few years, however, it still would way far back from the companies like Apple and Samsung ( References: 5 Reasons Borders Went Out of Business (and What Will Take Its Place) | (2016) Retrieved 10 September 2016, from Aljneibi, S. S., Pollard, D., Soliman, A. (2015). Effectiveness of Strategic Evaluation's Tools on the Continuity of Internal Operations: A phenomenological study of the MOI in UAE.INNOVATIVE ORGANISATIONS AND GLOBAL MANAGEMENT: ISSUES AND POLICIES, 13. BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility, BBM, Smartphones Support - Global. (2016) Retrieved 10 September 2016, from Business Model Innovation. (2016).YouTube. Retrieved 10 September 2016, from Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Martins, L. L., Rindova, V. P., Greenbaum, B. E. (2015). Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: a cognitive approach to business model innovation.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(1), 99-117. Rothaermel, F. T. (2015).Strategic management. McGraw-Hill. What is Strategy?. (2016).YouTube. Retrieved 10 September 2016, from