Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Ibm And The Tabulating Machine Company - 1512 Words
â€Å"International Business Machines commonly called as IBM is a merger of three nineteenth century companies called as the Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company and the Computing Scale Company of America which creates Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) on June 16, 1911. IBM was formerly known as CTR. In 1914 Thomas J. Watson Sr. joined CTR and over the next two decades transformed it into a growing leader of innovation and technology. The company’s name got changed to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in 1924†( From the beginning, IBM defines itself not by policies or products but by forward-thinking culture and management practices grounded in core values. One of the main values they developed is supporting women. IBM has always been a mother friendly company. In 1935, IBM recruited 25 female college graduates. These were the firm’s first female professionals. 1943 marked ano ther milestone as a woman called Ruth Leach Amonette became first female vice president. Through the years, the rate of female employees and executives both showed steady increases. A three month leave-of-absence program was started in 1956, thirty years before the Family and Medical Leave Act. The leave-of-absence program includes the option to phase part-time back into the workplace. IBM reports each year on global workforce diversity and addresses the need to be the premier global employer of women. The company hasShow MoreRelatedThe History of IBM Essay976 Words  | 4 Pages International Business Machines Corporation, better known as IBM, is a corporation that is and always has been based completely around information handling. From their first scales, to the super computers of today, almost all of IBM’s products have been designed and developed to record, process, communicate, store, or retrieve information. IBM has been a leading developer and innovator from the late 19th century up to today. IBM was officially incorporated in New York City onRead MoreInternational Business Machine Corporation ( Ibm )1521 Words  | 7 PagesCompany Overview International Business Machine Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational that provides Information technology (IT) products and services worldwide, with headquarters in Armonk, New York, United States. The company manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. Initially, IBM was founded as the Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR) in 1911Read MoreIbms Corporate Culture2877 Words  | 12 PagesIBM’s Corporate Culture Table of Contents Abstract 1 Roots 1 Company 1 Culture 2 Culture 3 Impact 3 Managed 4 Results 4 Troubles 4 Wake Up Call 5 Refocus and Restore 6 Company 6 Customer 6 Stakeholder 7 Employee 7 Atmosphere 8 Results 8 Summary 9 References 10 Abstract This is an analysis of the culture at IBM and the impact that it has had on their success. Corporate culture is significant in that it â€Å"influences the behavior of everyone within an organization and, if carefully crafted,Read MoreBackground Of Ibm ( International Business Machine )1079 Words  | 5 PagesBackground of IBM (International Business Machine). In 1911, IBM was originally founded with the name Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) in New York, US. In 1924 Computing- Tabulating- Recording Company was names as International Business Machine. From the beginning IBM has been promoting diversity in the organization. As the company had its first lady vice president in 1943. IBM rank’s in top 100 companies in the â€Å"Working Mother Magazine†and awarded 1st for multicultural working womenRead MoreIbm : A Major Innovator Of Computer And Computer Related Products2420 Words  | 10 PagesKrueger 10/16/14 IT IBM has been a major innovator of computer and computer related products during this century and the last. Before IBM it was C-T-R. Herman Hollerith founded this Tabulating Machine Company in 1896. Hollerith received the first patents for his electric Tabulating Machine in 1889. In 1911 a man by the name of Charles F. Flint, a trust organizer, oversaw the merging of Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine company and two other companies the Company scale Company of America and theRead MoreCase Study About Ibm1323 Words  | 6 PagesInternational Business Machines- 2007 Case Study Reported By: ALARCON, Lyanne V. CRUZIN, Richelle Ann DIA, Minette SACE, Carla I. Introduction IBM was founded in 1888 as Herman Hollerith and the Tabulating Machine. It was incorporated in 1911 as â€Å"Computing-Tabulating Recording Co.†The company later changed its name to International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation in 1924 after becoming a Fortune 500 Company. Also known as â€Å"Big Blue,†IBM has won several accoladesRead MoreDevelopment of Personal Computers2502 Words  | 11 Pagesevolution of computers has involved many innovative individuals. It was out of this desire to innovate many fascinating tabulating machines developed. The modern computer, therefore, evolved from an amalgamation of the genius of many individuals over a long period of history. Many people shaped the world by making the efforts to develop technology. An early counting machine (and relative of the computer) can be traced back to 3000 BC. This device is known as the abacus. Although ancientRead MoreProposed Changes And Current Development During Post Employment Benefits1260 Words  | 6 PagesDEFINED PENSION PLAN For the purpose of identifying the proposed changes and the current development in the post employment benefits we have identified two companies for our research and then to discuss the current rules. We will further discuss proposed changes to identify what current expense are and what will be the impact on financial statement after changes. Define Benefit Pension Plan Defined Benefit Plans pay representatives an ensured advantage. The rising options in the privateRead MoreIbm Business Report8044 Words  | 33 PagesReport on the IBM Corporation Dear Dr. Law, Enclosed is our business research report about IBM Corporation. This report was written as a group project for the class Marketing 3495. In this report, reader may find some of the information about IBM interesting such as: how the company started? What is IBM marketing strategy? Etc. Through this research, we’ve learned a great deal about IBM Corporation. We are all inclined towards looking at future job opportunities offered by IBM. Thank youRead MoreThe History Of Ibm Computers Essay1811 Words  | 8 Pages The history of IBM computers began in 1943, when the company created Mark I weighing nearly 4.5 tons (Yost 25). Already in 1952, the first big lamp computer IBM 701 appeared, and in 1959, IBM introduced the first transistor computers which reached such a level of reliability and performance that the U.S. Air Force found it possible to apply them in the early warning system of air defense (Yost 27-35). IBM is also the developer of the first general purpose computers, first computers with a byte-addressable
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bullying Rhetorical Analysis - 1529 Words
Lillie Doherty Professor Dorfield Rhetoric (first draft) September, 25th , 2017 Rhetorical Analysis: Grant Addison â€Å"Stop Coddling College Students†In our higher education society, many argue we are transitioning in the act of coddling today’s college students with their very own preferences and opinions (Addison, Peyser, Jackson). There have been instances today in which Student Associations are seeking to address the issues of coddling each other and other students throughout our higher education world. At Brandeis University, the Asian American Association â€Å"†¦put up an installation at the Rabb steps to bring attention to microaggressions (a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a†¦show more content†¦The main concern of this article, is the impression that students perceive they can coast through higher education with their parents nurturing and protecting them as they did throughout high school. In the article, â€Å"Stop Coddling College Students†, I can really agree to when Addison mentions, â€Å"†¦matriculating students arrive burdened with the ever-greater cost of postsecondary education as well as historically high rates of political polarization, psychological distress and civic illiteracy†. I can relate because I can vouch for our generation in the sense that millenials do not necessarily know what is happening in our government or are in tune with the everyday world news. As denoted by the â€Å"Alexandria School of Medicine†, there has been a significant increase of students who are attending college as first-years to exhibit stress and anxiety from previous education. I can agree with this as well as the thought that Addison mentioned in terms of at my high school which was a private Catholic high school, we were put under a lot of pressure. East Catholic had a demanding curriculum for students, and I endured a great deal of stress as my teachers were very straight forward of what I should anticipate in college. These psychological distresses haveShow MoreRelatedCrt 205 Final Paper1576 Words  | 7 PagesAssociate Level Material Critical Analysis Forms Fill out one form for each source. |Source 1 Title and Citation: Cyberbullying Has a Broader Impact than Traditional Bullying | |Uhls, Yalda T. Cyberbullying Has a Broader Impact than Traditional Bullying. Cyberbullying. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: | |Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from Is Bullying Going Digital? Cyber Bullying Facts. 2010. Gale | |OpposingRead MoreAnalysis Of Deborah Mirandas Angel In A Pink Plymouth1189 Words  | 5 Pagesstorytelling to keep their violence and suffering remembered and acknowledged; through the use of second person point of view, rhetorical questions, and symbolism, Miranda demonstrates that despite the fact that such tragedies occurred long ago, they still have a recurrent effect on the modern lives of California Indian descendants. This paper will consist of the analysis of a letter from Miranda to Vicenta, â€Å"Dear Vicenta†, and a memoir titled â€Å"Angel in a Pink Plymouth†, by dissecting how violenceRead MoreA Rhetorical Analysis of Editorial, â€Å"the Effects of Violence in Children’s Cartoons†947 Words  | 4 PagesRhetorical Analysis ENGL 102-07 October 03, 2012 A Rhetorical Analysis of Editorial, â€Å"The Effects of Violence in Children’s Cartoons†Claim: That childrens cartoons today are too violent and that these cartoons are greatly affecting their behaviors growing up. 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(a) Culture shock and cooperative conflict style (b) Rhetorical and behavioral (c) Dichotomous and recursion (d) Self-awareness and positive reinforcement 2) Beliefs that are so central to a cultural group that they are never questioned are known as: (a) True believers (b) Empowerment (c) Self awareness (d) Cultural values 3) Organizational communication exhibits two properties: Read MoreAudience Analysis : My Audience1798 Words  | 8 PagesAudience Analysis: My audience will consist of different age groups, genders, and educational background. For example, the audience members are made up of ages between 12 years old and 60 years old. Also, there is a diversity of educational background among each audience member. For instance, two audience members obtained a college degree, as for, three audience members they are still attending high school. For this reason, I desire to define assertiveness in demeanor for all ages and educational
Monday, December 9, 2019
Comparison Grammar In Austrian And Spanish â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Comparison Grammar In Austrian And Spanish? Answer: Introduction. We are living in a world full of languages which assist in communicating in order to get information from other different countries and interact with them. This leads to people learning other foreign languages (Al-Humaidi). But a question arises on how to learn a different language and how to communicate with it. A research on teaching a second language and the methods used is associated with linguistics development, sociology and psychology. The methods of teaching refer to the applications of theoretical findings and position. Today, new methods of teaching are emerging at a very high rate. The methodology of language teaching has led to conflicts in the field of language teaching. The rivalry has been brought about by, on one side, the protectors of communicative teaching and on the other hand, the supporters of the Audiolingual method. The question is: which method of teaching are we supposed to use? Through urgent analysis of the teaching methods, we can deduct that every approach has both advantages and disadvantages. It is by knowing this we can have great inspiration to language teaching. Audiolingual Methodology. According to (Gabriel Tejada Molina), the audiolingual methodology is based from structural linguistics and behavioral psychology. Structural linguistics language refers to elements related structurally for encoding implying that the elements are morphemes, phonemes and syntactic (clauses, types of sentences and phrases). Levels of linguistically structure in a language are defined by structural linguists in a scientific and systematic manner (Kamhuber). Initially, people assumed that studying a language was as easy as clamming the elements and rules that govern combination of the above elements. One importance of structural linguistics is that the basic medium of communicating a language is oral. Communicative Language Teaching. The communicative language teaching (CLT) started in Britain during the 1960s to replace the initial structural methods known as Situational Language Teaching (Richards). This was partly according to Chomskys critics to the structural theory of language and partly due to theories of American sociolinguists and British Functional Linguists. During that time, communication was highly required in the continents like Europe. The approach of communicative language teaching begins from theory of language as communication. The main objective of teaching is to develop what Hymes of 1972 referred as Communicative Competence. In order for any speaker to be communicatively good in speeches, he/she needs to understand Hymes theory of Communication (Barbara Johnstone). In Barbaras book of Teaching Language as Communicative, he explained the relationship between linguistic methods and their communicative importance in texts. Definition of Audio Lingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) The Audio Lingual Method also known as the Army Method is a method of teaching used in teaching a foreign language. This method is based on behavioral theory which claims that some characters of living things especially human beings can trained using a reinforcement system and that correct usage of trait can receive good feedback while bad usage of trait can receive bad feedback. Audio Lingual method is a procedure of teaching foreign language which stresses on listening and speaking before writing and reading. CLT uses conversations as the major form of presenting a language and drilling as the main technique of training. Communicative language Communicative Language Teaching refers to a method of teaching both second and foreign language and stresses interaction as the main way of learning a language. CLT is also known as the communicative method of teaching foreign languages. The Main Features of the Audiolingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching. The Audiolingual Method Audiolingual method has shown to form its own different characteristics according to behaviorist psychology and structural linguistic (Barbara Johnstone). The characteristics include: Separating language skills to listening, writing and reading while emphasizing on teaching listening and speaking before reading or writing. Using dialogue as the major form of language presentation. Emphasizing on practicing techniques like memorizing, pattern drilling and mimicry. Not to encourage use of vernacular or mother tongue in class. Encouraging usage of language laboratory. Audiolingual method believes that listening and speaking are the primary forms of verbal communication and therefore conclude that both reading and writing should come second after listening and speaking. Audiolingual method uses dialogue to show that language dialogue can provide language forms with a natural context (Kamhuber). The structure of the audiolingual implies that the language is a complicated system of habits and drills can of help in forming those habits. Learning foreign language result from practicing and practice can lead to language automation. Learning a language is not a challenge, practice is what becomes a challenge. Advantages In comparison with other method such as Grammar Translation Method, where writing and reading are reinforced to the extent of neglecting listening and speaking skills, Audiolingual method develops the learners oral skills (Su). Also, through Audiolingual method learners are able to competently participate in situational contexts. Disadvantages As much as the drills that are distinguishing features for Audiolingual are considered as its strength, they are also one of its major weaknesses. The Audiolingual methods drills does not allow the learners to be creative (Su). At such, they cause the students to feel bored or lose interest in the classroom. When students are not motivated, their progress on learning language is affected negatively. The Communicative Language Teaching(CLT). Characteristics The CLT method of learning was the same as an earlier method of learning known as the direct method. Just like Direct Method, CLT method insisted on students being taught the language one on one and not to use the native language of the students to explain words or grammar (Kamhuber). However, audiolingual method were not focusing on teaching vocabulary. Instead, the teacher advised the students to use grammar through drills. Teaching techniques like drilling, memorizing and pattern practicing may lead to language-like behavior, however, the techniques are not produced suitably (Richards). Instructors complain due to lack of effective techniques in the process while students complain due to boredom resulted by pattern drills which are not ending. One of the open advantages in Communicative Language Teaching is that of increasing fluency in the languages target (Richards). CLT allows students to take part in activities, sometimes related by simulating scenarios which students can relate with in day to day life. It becomes hard for the teacher to check the use of language of each student alone especially if the class has many students (Al-Humaidi). Students can give wrong answers but they are supposed to be corrected when not in the middle of conversation in order for the student not to repeat the same mistake. It is therefore not helpful if a single teacher is handling a large class alone. Conclusion. Using audio-lingual method, teachers would give correct models of sentences and students to repeat them. The instructors would then move on with the procedure by giving new words to be used in sentences by students. The objective of this would be to train the students on how to practice on different tutorials until they are able to use the correctly. Both Audio-lingual and Communicative Language Teaching are different theories of teaching and each has its own characteristics. The audio-lingual grammar and pronunciation help learners to acquire the oral skills and listening skills very fast. CLT emphasizes on learning a language through using language in communication rather than learning through practicing of language skills. Therefore, students can get strategic competency through communication. The main purpose of language as a tool is t build and maintain good relations with people. Students should know the vocabulary and grammar of the language and also know the rules governing t heir usage in a communication context. References Al-Humaidi, Majid. "Communicative Language Teaching ." Thesis. 2017. Electronic. Barbara Johnstone, William Marcellino. Dell Hymes and the Ethnography of Communication. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, 2010. Electronic. Gabriel Tejada Molina, Mara Luisa Prez Caado, and Gloria Luque Agull. "Current approaches and teaching methods. Bilingual programmes." 2016. Electronic. Kamhuber, Philipp. Comparison of Grammar in Austrian and Spanish English Language Teaching Textbooks. Wien: Lehramt Englisch, Bewegung und Sport, 2010. Electronic. Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Electronic. Su, Lisa Kwan Li. Audiolingual Method: Discussion. Manilla: National University of Malaysia, 2010. Electronic.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Morality Legislation Essays - Ethics, Morality, Meta-ethics
Morality Legislation Can we, do we, and should we legislate morality is a question that rings in the ears of many Americans. It seems that there are more factors, conditions and answers to this frequently asked question than the common person is willing to consider. Let's attempt to take the best ideas from the top scholars on the issue. In order to answer the questions presented, one must fully understand the idea of morality and what it means to legislate it. What is morality? According to Webster, morality is "A doctrine or system of moral conduct: or particular moral principles or rules of conduct: or conformity to ideals of human conduct." This definition leaves much to be answered, such as: Who sets up this system? Is it relative to ones personal preferences? And can morality be forced on an individual? To further understand morality let us discuss it in more detail. Is morality relative? What laws would be considered laws of morality? Can a democratic country consider morality while writing laws? To deal with the question of relativism we will turn to the writings of Dr. Stephen Schwarz, who is a medical doctor and a writer for Ohio Life, a non-profit pro-life organization. While responding to the idea that people should not impose their morality on others Dr, Schwarz replied, "The morality of not raping, and of not murdering a fellow human being is not "my morality" or"our morality" but morality itself." This implies that there is an absolute morality, maybe we are not capable of achieving it, but it seems that the gray area between white and black is not as large as most would hope. Now on to the next question of: What exactly constitutes morality? We have already discussed that morality is not relative and at some point becomes absolute. C.S. Lewis gives an in-depth analyzes of morality in his book "Mere Christianity" he talks about morality being the deciding factor between the instinct to help or the instinct to run. He also discusses the idea that morality is not relative and brings up the fact that we judge other cultures by how we rate their level of morality. For instance if morality is relative then no one could have told the Nazi's that they were wrong. So in this way the government has already set a precedent that morality is not relative, they have chosen to judge other countries and in doing this they imply that their morality is better. First, let us try to further our understanding of the issue by reviewing what Eastern College students and faculty had to say about it. A survey of 50 students and faculty conducted on campus showed that 52% of those polled thought that morality could not be affectedly legislated, while 48% said that morality could be legislated. The make up of this survey was as follows: average age 19.8, 70% female: 30% male, 72% white: 20% African American: 3% Hispanic: 5% not reported. 40% of those polled were Republicans while only 16% were Democrats, a huge 36% of students were undecided on a political affiliation and 8% were independents. Most of those polled said the thought Congress tried to legislate morality but failed. The survey showed that on a scale of 1-10 Congress only received a 4.1 when asked to rate the morality of Congress. This would seem to explain why they thought Congress passed immoral bills. But in fact if one looks at the history of the Congress and takes into consideration how many bills are passed by them, very few could be labeled as immoral. In fact what most people see as the government passing immoral laws is the Supreme Court finding moral laws unconstitutional. Most people group the three branches of government together and say that the government is immoral. However, we are focusing only on Congress and if it is possible to legislate morality. In our democratic representative government Congress has often been called on to make laws that can only be seen legislation of morality. The first question at hand is: Can Congress legislate morality? Most experts in the field of law and politics agree that it is possible to pass bills to make people moral or at least force them to act in a moral way. In other words it is possible to legislate morality. However, one must concede that no one is absolutely moral, that is no one is always moral. As Dr. Bird, a Eastern College professor with a career in The Christian Medical Society, said
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