Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sodom and Gomorrah Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sodom and Gomorrah - Research Paper Example Bryant Wood and Steven Collins had different positions when it comes to the location of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah which existed during the time of Abraham. Bryant based his stance on the recent archaeological excavations conducted by Rast and Schaub in 1973 in a specific area in the so-called Cities of the Plain, in Es-Safi, found in the southern part of Bab edh-Dhra (Sodom). Based on the excavation, the presence of bitumen, or petroleum residue resembling that of asphalt, was found within the southern part of the Dead Sea. On one hand, a very assertive archaeologist Steven Collins had laid down strong points in his position disproving Wood’s theory that the southern part of the Dead Sea was indeed the location of the two cities. Collins strongly believed that Sodom existed in the eastern Jordan Disk, alongside other cities and towns that were logically arranged and mentioned in the bible basing on their relative sizes and proximity with each other. Sodom and Gomorrah, based on his interpretations of the text found in Genesis 13, were actually located in the northern part of the Dead Sea in the eastern part of the Jordan Disk. Date Each Scholar Uses for the Patriarchs Wood dates back his position on the matter way back during the Early Bronze period. Bab edh-Dhra (Sodom) had remnants of ashes from burnt houses possibly being theorized as indeed the raining of the black sulfur. In addition, the ancient Sodom excavation also revealed a cemetery consisting of the cities of the plain during the Early Bronze period.... o cities, which, accordingly, â€Å"matched the detailed Genesis 13 geographical parameters.†7 The Kikkar, or the Jordan Disk, housed four to five ancient cities that existed during the Middle Bronze Age that matched the descriptions in Genesis 13. Archaeological Evidence for Destruction from Both Sites A fellow from the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trifonov stated that the destruction of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah was a real disaster, citing the natural disaster as a volcanic eruption, and among its evidences were human bones buried in southwestern Syria.8 Woods has presented evidences in the destruction of both sites. Using the findings of Rast and Schaub, Woods stated that, following the end of the Early Bronze period, Bab edh-Dhra suffered from a major destruction.9 The evidence was: destruction of the northeast gate due to â€Å"fire as indicated by charcoal, broken and fallen bricks, and areas of ash.†10 In Numeira (Gomo rrah), the effects of the destruction were quite significant. Towers were burnt, human bones and skeletons excavated, and debris of ashes, mud bricks, and rocks were also found. Moreover, Collins had several evidences similar to what Woods had revealed, such as cemeteries burying human bones and skeleton, ashes, and mud bricks. In addition, Collins presented a simplistic approach in providing evidences to support his claims. He stated a simple analysis based on sheer logic and analysis of past events. â€Å"No mental extrapolation needed,†Collins said because obviously, the area (Bab edh-Dhra) was a â€Å"wasteland†because â€Å"Yahweh had burned up the Cities of the Plain in his fierce anger!†11 Each Site Meets the Criteria for the Biblical Location of Sodom Collins describes the order that comes with the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Sociological Theories of Leisure: Marx and Weber
Sociological Theories of Leisure: Marx and Weber Leisure is an area of sociological study that has, according to many sociologists including Chris Rojek[1] been neglected. The literature, certainly in the countries of Britain and Australia, has been dominated by views and theories that fit into a Marxist framework. ‘Leisure’ is juxtaposed against what is deemed its opposite, ‘work.’ In this essay I shall attempt to elucidate some of that Marxist framework and then criticise what can be viewed as its limitations thus, hopefully, highlighted and understanding some of the implications necessary for a further and deeper understanding of the sociology of leisure. Marx’s most basic premise, that man in capitalist society is alienated from his own labour, is also, unsurprisingly, the theoretical underpinning for Marxist notions of leisure. The change from older forms of economic markets to capitalist industrialisation forced a schism in the work/leisure relationship. â€Å"The identification of leisure as the sphere in which needs are satisfied and pleasure found simultaneously makes work less susceptible to criticism as unsatisfactory and more salient as that which has to be tolerated to ‘earn’ the freedom of leisure. Instrumentalism about work is built into this enforced separation: ‘leisure’ is the prize to be won.†[2] This demarcation is seen as the principle victory, in a stream of relatively uncontested battles, of capitalism in regards to leisure. The alienation of labour is made more tolerable by leisure activities and pursuits. The idea that one worked to live at the weekend, or outside of work, became prevalent. Work became a means to an end. The sphere of leisure, once created, offered the ruling classes the opportunity to restrict and control workers lives further, in insidious ways, permeating what was supposed to be ‘free’ time. â€Å"If the working class wants alcohol and music, it shall have them but only to be consumed under certain conditions.†[3] Under the guise of caring for workers rights and needs, and by setting up institutions of leisure, the dominant ruling classes could ensure that time away from work was spent in activities deemed appropriate. The point of this control was, of course, to ensure the productivity of workers and thus perpetuate the capitalist market. A hung over worker was of little use. â€Å"The establishment of leisure as consumption†¦has also been of considerable significance.†[4] This was capitalism’s second great victory in regards to leisure. The capitalist process, at its most fundamental, is all about consumption. By turning leisure into a commodity, to be bought and sold as well as used, revenue could be exploited. The irony and hypocrisy of the sphere of leisure, supposedly free of capitalist ideology, feeding that ideology with new avenues of revenue, production and reproduction, is shown by Clarke and Critcher. The freedom of leisure is a fallacy. â€Å"The much vaunted democracy of the market-place rests on the rather less democratic foundations of the profoundly unequal distribution of wealth and income.†[5] Instead of resistance to the fact that choice is limited, nay controlled, by the market, we, the consumer, value what choices we do have all the more. Choice in leisure is curtailed by social division and unequal distribution.â€Å"Those with relatively more control over work tend to have more control over their leisure; class does not end at the factory gate†¦gender even less so.†[6] Clarke and Critcher indicate a direct link between the alienation of work, to an alienation of leisure, precisely because they conceptualise leisure as being a by product of what we term as work. Leisure is defined by work, caused by work and needed because of work in a capitalist industrial society. Resistance to leisure models are, according to Clarke and Critcher, ultimately futile. The market can not completely control how leisure products are used, the young especially tend to use them in ways never envisioned. This would be seen as a site of resistance except, â€Å"Such strategies may modify but cannot challenge the market/consumer model. Before we can modify the meaning and use of any commodity, we must first enter the market as consumers to acquire it.†[7] â€Å"In a manner sometimes reminiscent of the early Marx, Simmel argues that modern production is not the site of creativity, of individuality, of pleasure.†[8] Marx stated that workers were alienated from their species being, their creativity, individuality and ultimately their pleasure. Simmel here echoes those sentiments. He also concurs that leisure is an escape from such alienation. â€Å"In this context then, the history of forms of leisure is the history of labour The exhaustion of our mental and physical energies in work lead us to require only one thing of our leisure; ‘we must be made comfortable’; ‘we only wish to be amused.’†[9] These notions are very similar to those of Marxist and neo-Marxist theorists such as Clarke and Critcher. Leisure is a reward for time spent working and the real purpose of leisure is to repair and relax the worker ready to once more be a useful member of the industrial complex. â€Å"The sphere of non-work, ostensibly that of leisure, can also be filled out by consumption and by circulation in search of what is new. Where a mass of consumers has been created, commodities can be sold for their price rather than their quality.†[10] It is to be noted that in sociology of the Marxist tradition, and here in Simmel’s own words, what constitutes leisure in a capitalist society for the workers is judged morally bankrupt and alienating. Quantity over quality, mere amusement over the satisfaction of any deeper needs. Many theorists question this view. Wrestling would certainly be treated as such mere amusement in a Marxist or Simmel tradition, yet for Barthes[11], such ‘low’ culture reproduces the ‘species being’ that they see as lacking from capitalist leisure. The Marxist tradition makes those judgements with very little empirical evidence. As Rojek states, â€Å"So far leisure and other studies have provided little sense of what people actually do or feel in pubs, gardens, kitchens, on pitches or package tours.†[12] The assumption of what people experience during leisure is dangerous. [13] In Freudian psychology, â€Å"An irresistible verbal transition†¦effortlessly replaces the†¦term ‘leisure,’ with a substitute, ‘pleasure.’†[14] In essence our existence, at the polymorphous perversity stage, begins as fun. The processes of society, the rules of the ego, attempt to cage that fun. â€Å"The world of fun is repressed.†[15] Freud noted the classic bourgeois ego, perhaps best represented by Veblen’s â€Å"Leisure class.†[16] For Freud, it was, â€Å" Just this ‘objectivity’ which justified the utilitarian tradition in psychology, and, viewing the individual as a consumer rather than a producer, regarded pleasure as the consequence of possessing valued objects.†[17] Freud depicted the Bourgeois ego as deriving its pleasure from owning commodities. This pleasure was leisure and inexorably, in both implicit and explicit ways, the subordinate classes were compelled to adopt this view because, as Rojek points out, â€Å"the ideas of the bourgeois class are the ruling ideas in society.†[18] Interestingly, Freudian psychology breaks with Marxist tradition. The pleasure of fun is not to be found in commodities. Commodities are the only form of leisure since, under capitalist ideology all leisure is a commodity. So, reacting to the psychological need to escape from the alienation of work, people seek excitement from their commodities instead. â€Å"Consumption has become exciting†¦Possession, of course, remains its prerequisite, but necessity is held in abeyance.†[19] The act of shopping in itself has become the excitement, the commodity itself holds less importance. Evidence of this comes from, â€Å"The comparative longevity of modern goods (Which are) overwhelmed by the wish for continual newness.†[20] Freud, rather pessimistically, saw no real way out of this ideological trap, hence his claim, â€Å"For psychoanalysis the modest therapeutic aim of ‘transforming neurotic misery into common unhappiness.’†[21] â€Å"Kelly argues that, ‘If something has to be done then it isn’t leisure’ and that ‘leisure is generally understood as chosen activity that is not work.’†[22] Sociology is replete with such ethereal and vague definitions of just what exactly leisure is. Clarke and Critcher state that their work, â€Å"Does not attempt to lay to rest all those complex definitional questions about what is or is not leisure. We do not believe that these questions can be solved by ever more elaborate analytical juggling.†[23] H F Moorhouse[24] takes issue with this. He raises the very salient point that one could consider it blithely ignorant to conduct a whole study without first defining what it is one is researching. Clarke and Critcher rely on a ‘self evident’ truth of what leisure is. ‘Self evident’ truths are, quite often, less than self evident. They rely on common sense notions, but sense in this case is not necessarily c ommon. â€Å"It operates with the simplistic and stereotyped view of what most ‘work’ is like, seeing it as impoverished, routinised, deskilled etc†¦..What is a very complicated issue is oversimplified.†[25] For Moorhouse, their treatment of work is crude and their definition of leisure spurious. They refuse â€Å"To allow that paid labour can be, for most, a source of satisfaction, purpose, creativity, qualitative experience, and so on.†[26] This can only be seen as a weakness. Classical assumptions of the nature of work and leisure may no longer be sufficient. Clarke and Critcher state that they are writing during a time (1985) of transition to ‘post-industrial’ society. If one take this claim seriously then it has important implications. â€Å"The introduction of flexi-time and the development of human relations techniques in management have made the workplace less oppressive and monotonous for many workers†¦Moreover, technical progress enables paid employment to be conducted from the home.†[27] Technology, in particular that most wide of world webs, has magnified the possibilities of working from home and blurred the lines of what constitutes work and leisure still further. The dualistic and simplistic account, as found in Clarke and Critcher and other works in the Marxist tradition, may no longer be completely adequate to explain the sociology of leisure. Their account seems isolated in a very specific moment, a moment of change . Older accounts, Veblen’s, Marx’s, Simmel’s, may have been entirely accurate at the time they were published, but that time has long since past. Other considerations may need to be taken into account. â€Å"My submission is that the distinctions between work and leisure, public and private life, duty and excitement, have blurred.†[28] If one takes the work of Rojek seriously, what implications for the tired and simplistic definitions of what constitutes work and leisure? Freud defines leisure as pleasure as fun. If the boundaries of what constitutes leisure and work are indeed eroding could it mean that leisure, pleasure and fun can be found in work? Or work in fun? A cogent example would be of a party that one feels obliged to attend. You do not like the food, you hate the music, you’re surrounded by people you despise and you would give anything to be anywhere else. Yet this is your leisure time? The sociology of leisure needs to address these concerns. â€Å"Relationships and structures of leisure help mitigate human problems, foster cohesion in communities, alleviate personal suffering, maintain economic stability, and encourage political activity.†[29] Some sociologists see leisure as being a site for developing essential social networks, places that maintain and improve cohesion and interaction. If one considers Simmel’s conception that sociability is the, â€Å"Pure form of interacting independence of individuals,’†[30] then one might conclude that the development of leisure networks are a ‘morally’ good occurrence that let actors enjoy true or ‘pure’ leisure, pleasure and fun. Perhaps for the good of the sociology of leisure, â€Å"There is a need to shift attention away from the characteristics of individuals or groups as the unit of analysis, and focus on the characteristics of social relationships between people.†[31] â€Å"Social structure may also be manipulated by the intentional activities of actors.†[32] The Marxist based argument is one sided. The bourgeois are the active oppressors, the working class the submissive victims and there is no room for any real dialogue between worker’s desire and capitalist ideology. [33] Also it assumes that capitalist ideology is uniform and coherent. The ideological structure is rarely that simple. Feminist theorists such as Wearing[34] raise the issues of the problem of women’s experiences of leisure. Though raised in Clarke and Crichter’s work, their account does not, perhaps, delve deeply enough into the feminist sociological perspective. The structural and pervasive economic ideology of Marxism is, in many ways, present in feminist accounts, however particular attention should be paid to the fact that this ideology is exclusively the preserve of men, and is not exclusively economic. Theorists such as Butler[35] indicate the problem of explaining women’s position in society while being forced to use the only language available, the language of masculinity. Still further Collins critiques feminism as the preserve of white women only.[36] â€Å"If one ‘is’ a woman then that is surely not all that one is†¦gender intersects with racial, class, ethnic, sexual and regional discursively constituted identities.†[37] In conclusion and as stated above in the introduction to this essay, leisure is very often regarded as having been neglected in the arena of sociological study. Perhaps one of the reasons for this indifference has been the genuine problem of even defining exactly what leisure is. The Marxist tradition has held dominance in the field much since the time of Marx himself. Even those who I have used to criticise some of the Marxist perspectives themselves share many similar views[38]. This is because it is incredibly difficult to understand leisure without its ‘opposite.’ This study is really as much of a study of work as it is of leisure and this author actually can not find fault in that approach. What I do find fault with is the quite often simplistic dualism that is depicted between the two. As Rojek concludes, the edges between work and leisure are blurred and this is something that is important to the future study of leisure. Marxist ideas are frequently accused of being economicly deterministic. Whilst I personally find that accusation a tad harsh, many of the theories outlined above could be accused of considering the economic, the capitalist, a little too much in their theorisations. â€Å"Leisure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœIs action in structure†¦produced by action in the real world of roles and responsibilities as well as the division of race, class, age and gender.†[39] All of these particular characteristics must be considered in any study of leisure. Moorhouse suggests a methodology. â€Å"Weber used the concepts of status group and lifestyle to refer to specific patterns of consumption and culturally based attachments. †[40] What is certain is that by using such concepts, and still further, the sociology of leisure can only broaden its knowledge. Bibliography Roland Barthes Mythologies pub by J. Cape 1972 Roland Barthes Image, music, text pub by Fontana Press 1977 Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 Leisure and Feminist Theory by B Wearing. Published by Sage 1998 Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 Black feminist thought by P H Collins. Published by Routledge 1990 The theory of the leisure class by Thorstein Veblen. Published by The new American library 1959 Footnotes [1] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [2] The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 p94-95 [3] Ibid p95 [4] Ibid p95 [5] Ibid p96 [6] Ibid [7] Ibid p201 [8] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p78 [9] Ibid p83 [10] Ibid p78 [11] Roland Barthes Mythologies pub by J. Cape 1972 Roland Barthes Image, music, text pub by Fontana Press 1977 [12] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p31 [13] Though Rojek himself reaches many of the same himself conclusions regarding the banality of modern leisure, in particular package tours, travel and tourism. Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [14] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p53 [15] Ibid p64 [16] The theory of the leisure class by Thorstein Veblen. Published by The new American library 1959 The ruling Bourgeois idea of leisure, for Veblen, was conspicuous consumption, the ostentatious display of wealth through the purchase of commodities. [17] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p69 [18] Ibid p101 [19] Ibid p70 [20] Ibid p70 [21] Ibid p57 [22] Ibid p17 [23] The devil makes work: Leisure in capitalist Britain by J Clarke and C Critcher. Published by Macmillan 1985 pxiii [24] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 [25] Ibid p22 [26] Ibid p25 [27] Ibid p108 [28] Ibid p108 [29] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p112 [30] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p87 [31] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p38 [32] Ibid p112 [33] At least not in any meaningful way as we have seen in the above example, from Clarke and Critcher, that the very entry into the market process taints any action with is ideological stigma. [34] Leisure and Feminist Theory by B Wearing. Published by Sage 1998 [35] Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 [36] Black feminist thought by P H Collins. Published by Routledge 1990 [37] Gender trouble by Judith Butler. Published by Routledge 1999 p6 [38] Ways of Escape by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan Press 1993 [39] Leisure in society, A network structural perspective by Patricia A Stokoswki. Published by Mansell 1994 p37 [40] Leisure for leisure edited by Chris Rojek. Published by Macmillan press 1989 p31
Friday, October 25, 2019
Stowe and Truth Essay -- essays research papers
The Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. His brain is not fitted for the higher forms of mental effort; his ideals, no matter how laboriously he is train and sheltered, remain hose of a clown. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner [sic] born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations a head of him. Around the 1850's many whites perceived this statement to be true. Not only did they believe in it, but they also had science and the doctors behind the science supporting this belief (Typically white males in the profession). African-Americans, as well as women were considered to be of lower intelligence, not able to perform in "higher forms of mental effort" and in the case of blacks "able to perform in a civilized manner". These two different causes gradually found themselves merging throughout history sharing one common cause, equal rights. When many of us hear about the civil rights movement we generally tend to think of the civil rights movement of the 1960's. With many well know leaders of the time, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, many would say that the Civil Rights movement was at its' peak. With all of the things that were going on during the time, and the fact that it was televised though the eyes of millions via television. It's No wonder The Civil rights movement of the 1960's is thought of as the peak and or beginning of the movement. One could say that the civil rights movement started in 1680's, right at the beginning of slavery. Part of the Civil Rights movement was slavery and or Anti-slavery. Before Blacks could be considered equal, they first had to be depicted as humans. This would prove to be no easy task. Slavery roughly started around 1619, that's when the first indentured servants arrived in Jamestown, and ended totally in the US around 1865 with the emancipation proclamation. There were many heroes in the battle against slavery that were both black and white. Around the 1800's slavery was more openly being expressed as being wrong. Many blacks started to speak against their master, some rebelled, som... ...ise to the entire human race? This is the most important document that our country was founded on, as the constitution is the supreme law of the land. When the Europeans came over to America they came here to escape persecution, but eventually manifested into the people they fled from. Europeans became the founding fathers of persecution in what was to become the USA. Sojourner Truth and Harriet Beecher Stowe were two women who went about to change the unjust treatment, for not just women but for blacks as well. The relationship that Harriet Beecher Stowe and Sojourner Truth had was very uncommon at that time. Even the causes that they supported joining were very much uncommon but yet same. Sojourner Truth and Harriet Beecher Stowe set a trend in American society that is still present today. A trend that two causes could find alimentation with one another. Many may argue as to whether or not Sojourner Truth and Harriet Beecher Stowe started the merging of the two movements but it can be assumed that the two reflected the relationship of the two parties at the time. Cited in Charles E. Siberman, Crisis in black and White (New York: Vintage, 1964), 108
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Attributes of Allah
Allah is the proper name of God, however, we know Him generally through His attributes. These attributes describe how Allah manifests Himself to us. God's attributes are innumerable since human intellect cannot possibly comprehend every aspect of the Supreme Being. A Hadith of the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) makes mention of Ninety Nine names of Allah commonly known as al- Asmaul Husna, the Most Names. In the Holy Quran we read: â€Å"And to Allah alone belong all perfect attributes. So call Him by these. And leave alone those who deviate from the right way with respect to His Attributes. †(7:181). â€Å"Allah – there is no God but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that will intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; and they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He pleases. His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth; and the care of them burdens Him not;and He is the High, the Great. †(2:256) Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is a lustrous niche, wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a glittering star. It is lit from blessed tree – an olive – neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would well-nigh glow forth even though fire touched it not. Light upon light! Allah guides to His light whomsoever He will. And Allah sets forth parables to men, and Allah know all things full well. This light is now lit in houses with regard to which Allah has ordained that they be exalted and that His name be remembered in them, Therein is He glorified in the mornings and the evenings (24:36-37) â€Å"He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is Gracious, the Merciful. He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the Bestower of Security, the Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted. Holy is Allah far above that which they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most Beautiful Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty the Wise. (59: 23-25) Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: The Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, â€Å"Allah has ninety nine Names, one hundred less one; and who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise. †(Bukhari, The Book of Tauhid.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Vegetable Production
Vegetable Production – Not just planting a few seeds! The production of vegetables is very important in today’s society as we try to promote healthy living. Vegetables provide a major component to achieving a balanced and nutritious diet as they are a prime, convenient and natural source of minerals, vitamins, fibre and energy and are known not only to introduce essential nutrients to the diet but also to help to prevent diseases. Making vegetables available, through production, distribution and marketing, contributes strongly to their consumption and therefore also contributes to a healthier society.There are different approaches into how vegetables can be produced and grown and it depends entirely on the farmer, their approach to farming, and of course the resources available such as; machinery, technology, amenities and the acreage of land available for such a project. There are two general approaches to vegetable production that you must consider if you were to toy with the idea of growing some vegetables whether it be for your own consumption or maybe to supply the nation. These two general approaches are often described as; conventional farming or organic farming.Generally the conventional method involves the use of synthetic pesticides which may or may not be based on naturally occurring compounds to protect crops from diseases, pests and weeds. Crops which are genetically modified to resist or tolerate diseases, pests etc can also be used in this method of farming as a strategy for protecting crops. Crop nutrient management in conventional systems typically involves the application of synthetic fertilizers which can be tailored to meet the needs of specific combinations of vegetables and also include other factors such as soil, climate, water source availability etc.Organic vegetable farming on the other hand relies strongly on cultural & mechanical practises and biological principles for weed, pest, disease and nutrient management. Itâ₠¬â„¢s aim is to produce quality food in a manner beneficial to the environment and to wildlife. In order for a farmer to produce organic vegetables strict regulations and standards must be adhered to before the organic stamp can be used. This includes a restriction on the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides for crop management. Crop nutrients, pests and disease can be managed by using a variety of systems such as crop rotation, biological pest control, echanical cultivation or the application of organic amendments to the soil such as manure or compost. Natural pesticides and fertilizers may be used but these are subject to strict standards. Straw or plastic mulch can also be used to help suppress weeds, control pest access to crop, moderate soil temperature and prevent water loss from soil. Organic farmers must be more careful in their plant selection and rely much more heavily on research and information to schedule planting and harvesting practises.This is both in order to sustain the organic approach and also to produce healthier hardier plants through plant breeding as opposed to the genetic engineering methods employed in the conventional method. While both approaches to vegetable production must adhere to national and European regulations in Ireland it is obvious that the organic farmer faces a higher challenge to produce a consistent quantity and quality of vegetables. It seems that if you were to take a stroll down the organic route to production you may need to prepare yourself for some extra work!The approach of conventional or organic farming is essential to determining the other factors which must be considered for vegetable production. After deciding which type of approach you intend to follow to produce vegetables it is then necessary that you consider many other factors. The effect of the natural environment on the production of vegetables can be instrumental in determining the final yield of the farm from year to year. Vegetables can be produced in open fields, semi-enclosed or climate controlled structures or fully enclosed and climate controlled structures.Farms which grow crops in open fields such as potaotoes are limited in their control of such factors and their crops are fully exposed to weather, soil, pests and disease conditions. Fertilization, pest and disease strategies must be employed in order to manage crops and depending on the climate irrigation systems etc may also need to be put in place (not usually a problem in Ireland). Other farmers grow their crops such as tomatoes in semi-enclosed and climate controlled structures such as high tunnels.These high tunnels can extend the vegetable growing season for instance vegetables can be grown when conditions outside the tunnel may not allow this because the high tunnel can limit the exposure of the vegetables to undesirable natural conditions and can sometimes even create conditions more supportive for vegetable growth. For example; placing growing crops w ithin a high tunnel covered by a single layer of plastic shields them from the wind, rain and some pests and can support temperatures higher than that outside the tunnel.Greenhouses are an example of a fully enclosed and climate controlled environment and apart from the enclosed housing and climate control differ from open fields and semi-controlled structures as the vegetables are generally not rooted in naturally occurring soil and are often grown in pots or other containers which provide firm physical boundaries. Of course deciding how you wish to grow your vegetables may be entirely decided by the type of vegetables you wish to grow and depending on the amount and type of land available it may be possible to use only one or maybe all three methods.All of these methods can be used in order to produce certain vegetables all year round where spring and summer conditions may suit the open fields and high tunnel but greenhouses would be needed to produce vegetables in the winter. It evident so that first you must choose your approach to vegetable production, then decide which vegetable or vegetables you wish to produce and then of course decide how you wish to grow your crops whether it be in an open field or in large greenhouses etc.Careful planning and execution in key areas such as site selection, site preparation, planting, management during crop growth and development, harvesting and then distribution to whatever market your produce is destined for is paramount in having a successful and high quality producing vegetable farm. If you are blessed to have a choice of site then the type of soil, the size of the site, the total cost of the site (including tax, land, utilities), access to water, proximity to suppliers, industry etc must all be considered.The site then needs to be prepared for the type of vegetable production you wish to approach. For example in the case of open field; ploughing, dicing or other tillage is needed before planting. If using enclose d or climate structures these need to be assembled efficiently and appropriately according to the type of vegetable or vegetables being produced. Steps are then needed to prepare soil either with fertilizers or green manure and also to minimise weeds, pests and diseases either with pesticides or with the use of cultivation or mulches etc. Planting then needs to take place and depending n the size of the farm this can take place by hand or with machinery generally with each plant spaced a certain distant apart within rows and across rows depending on the type of crop. During the development of the crop a system needs to be put into place to manage the irrigation, fertilisation, weed, pest & disease control and growth of the crop to ensure the crop develops successfully with as little loss or waste as possible. A schedule for harvesting has to be organised and should be followed as closely as possible weather permitting, which unfortunately is not always an allowance in Ireland.Crops can be harvested by machine or by hand and keeping them free of abiotic and biotic contaminants during harvesting is important to ensure quality losses are minimised. Once harvested, it is then necessary to place crops into containers and have them distributed to whichever market they are destined. During all of this hard work it is also necessary to keep records of crop, facility and equipment repair and also to continue your own education as research and new ideas in this industry are always being developed. Evidently if you decide to become a vegetable farmer you don’t just throw a few seeds around in the back field and off you go.Education, preparation and alot of hard work are necessary in order to become successful in this type of farming. You must also consider the marketability of the vegetables you wish to grow and whether they are suited and will develop and grow well in the natural environment supplied to you. Also strict standards are in place for the appearance, shape, dimensions, weight, chemical properties etc of vegetables which can create extra burden and problems for farmers so preparing well and following schedules and procedures will lead to you being a happier more financially secure vegetable producer.Growing vegetables could be a rewarding challenging adventure if you prepare and educate yourself well considering all your options and what is available to you. Then with a bit of elbow grease and hard work you may find that you are producing vegetables which not only benefits society but also may benefit you and increase your bank balance!
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